03 April 2023

How Do Combi Boilers Work?

A combi boiler, short for combination boiler, is a type of boiler commonly used throughout the country to heat homes and provide hot water. Unlike traditional boilers that heat water in a separate cylinder before distributing it throughout the house, a combi boiler heats water on demand, as it is needed. This makes combi boilers a popular choice for homes with limited space, as they do not require a separate cylinder.

A combi boiler works by heating water as it flows through a heat exchanger, which is located within the boiler itself. The heat exchanger is heated by burning gas or oil, which heats the water passing through it. This heated water is then distributed throughout the house, providing both heat and hot water.

One of the main advantages of a combi boiler is its efficiency. Because it only heats water as it is needed, there is no need to always keep a large cylinder of water hot. This means less energy is waster, and the boiler can run more efficiently. Combi boilers are also relatively easy to install, as they do not require a separate cylinder or tank.

Another advantage of combi boilers is that they provide hot water on demand. This means that there is no need to wait for a cylinder of water to heat up before taking a shower or running a bath. Combi boilers are also relatively easy to maintain, as they do not require the separate cylinder/tank to be serviced.

However, one of the main disadvantages of a combi boiler is that is can only provide a limited amount of hot water at one time. This means that if multiple showers are running or multiple taps are open at the same time, the pressure and temperature of the water may drop. Additionally, if there is a power outage, the combi boiler will not work, and no hot water or heat will be available.

We can cover all types of boilers, whether they are fuelled by gas, oil, or LPG. Insure yourself against boiler breakdowns and central heating failures with Boiler & Central heating cover, or add protection for your plumbing, drains, electrics and more with our Complete Home Emergency cover.