17 April 2023

What To Do If Your Outside Drain Is Blocked

If your external drain is blocked, it can cause a variety of problems, including unpleasant odours, slow draining sinks and toilets, and even flooding if the pipes burst. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to clear the blockage and get your drain flowing properly again.

First, try using a plunger to clear the blockage. Make sure the plunger is completely submerged in water, and push and pull it vigorously to create suction and loosen any debris that may be causing the blockage. Repeat this process several times if necessary.

If the plunger doesn't work, you can try using a drain snake or an auger. These tools are long, flexible rods with a spiral end that can be inserted into the drainage system to break up and remove blockages. Be sure to use caution when using these tools as they can damage pipes if not used properly.

Another option is to use a chemical drain clearer. These products can be purchased at most hardware stores and are designed to dissolve blockages. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product carefully, as some chemical cleaners can be quite caustic and can damage your pipes if not used correctly.

If none of these methods work, it may be best to call a professional plumber. They have the tools and the expertise to diagnose and fix more serious blockages and can advise you on any necessary repairs or replacements.

Taking out Plumbing & Drainage Cover with Home Emergency Assist before a problem occurs will give you access to our UK-wide network of engineers and a 365 day a year, 24/7 emergency claim line should you suffer a burst pipe or blocked drain. It also ensures that you're not left having to pay a large repair bill as we'll cover parts and labour to get you back up and running as quickly as possible.